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Carrd by @yuulaozu
GLORY [荣光]
Excerpts from Chrysanthemum Garden

/About Glory/
Glory is basically a MOBA game type. Killing was secondary; the prerequisite for victory was to take down the enemy’s crystal. Glory is a 5v5 competitive game but there were also 1v1 (single) and 2v2 (double) competitions. 1v1 matches were completely based on the individual strength of the players. Not only did it require superb skills, it also needed a cool head. If you play LoL or WoW you may familiar with some of the terms in Glory.
There were 2 kind of matches, ranked matches and casual matches.
Ranked matches are the matches that players did to collect points for rankings. While casual matches don’t count for points and have nothing to do with rankings, purely for entertainment.
/Prize Money/
Single championship: 2 million USD
Doubles championship: 3 million USD
Team championship: max 30 million USD
There were 6 ranking segments in Glory:
Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, King.
Above the King rank were the individual rankings. Each region had its own ranking ladder, and there was also a world ranking.
The major regions weren’t limited to only the game servers, but also included the international competition zones. There were total 16 competition zones in Glory.
For example, Asia, Europe, North America, and so on.
Players have to play to accumulate points to buy heroes, or charge real money to buy heroes that they use to play in the matches.
There were 11 heroes in Glory, namely: Mage, Warlock, Shaman, Priest, Druid, Paladin, Engineer, Hunter, Warrior, and Gunner.
Each of these eleven heroes had a wide variety of talent trees.
For example, there were already eight entire talent trees that had been developed for mages. They were: Fire Mage, Frost Mage, Earth Mage, Wind Mage, Wood Mage, Blade Mage, Undead Mage, and Poison Mage.
Soldiers: npc mobs in the game that charge at towers
Blue Daddy: nickname for a mob that gives players mana recovery
Dragon: boss npc in the game map, killing it will give the team a buff
◈ In a team of 5 people, there's a jungler, top laner, mid laner, bot laner, and support. Each of them has their own tasks. Read more about them here
◈ In between lanes is the jungle. Some jungle monsters would provide gold and experience, while others provided buffs. You can use the gold and experience points to purchase items and become more powerful.
Poison; Poison was one of those buffs. Once the poison jungle monster was killed, the player would get the poison buff.
There was a time limit on the poison, and it could only be used once.
Immunity; Immunity and poison were the same. They were buffs that could be gained from jungle monsters, and after obtaining it and using it at the right time, a player could avoid control skills for two seconds.
◈ The condition to win is to crush the enemies' resurrection crystal that is the opponent's base.
/5v5 Positions/
There are 5 roles in a team. Read here Marksman/ADC + Support are in bottom lane.


This position provides a safe avenue to obtain gold and experience through jungle camps, without much interference from opponents. Due to camps being spread out across the map, the player can freely path around the map to influence lanes and secure objectives.
They lurk in the spaces and bushes between the lanes, fighting the neutral monsters that lurk there. They are the most mobile member of the team, appearing for a kill before disappearing into the jungle again.
The second reason for having a jungler is to help support other lanes. Naturally, the jungler will have to move from camp to camp in order to kill creatures and get XP. This requires a lot of roaming and running around. A lot of the time the jungler will pass a lane in order to get to another jungle camp. While passing, the jungler can assist the lane with pushing minions or trying to gank the enemy laner.
Because of this, most junglers are highly mobile, have huge gap closers and can deal tons of damage.

Heroes in the top lane are tough solo players who play in the top lane of the map. They usually protect their lane without much support.
The tank will likely be the only person on the team that will have the defenses and crowd control to get to the ADC without dying. Once they make it to the ADC it’s their job to stun, snare and disrupt them as much as possible so they can’t deal damage. Your teams ADC and APC will then move in to secure the kill.
Ideal champions for this position are largely self-sufficient with tools to dominate in duels, scale by farming, or impact the map in other ways.

The middle lane provides the fastest income of gold and experience due to its short distance. The lane's smaller space is also attractive for champions with bad defense to easily retreat to safety under turret. Being in the center of the map, this position has easy access to other sectors similar to the Jungler.
Mid-laners play high burst damage champions who play in the middle lane of the map, and their playstyle involves playing solo as well as coordinating with the team.
Mid laners play an important role throughout the stages of the game. As the name suggests, mid laner means they play in the mid lane.
This means if the top or bottom lane need help, the mid lane is available to help if the jungler has died or is preoccupied. Having another player on your team that can roam to different lanes can substantially increase your gank potential.

Players in the bottom lane are an Marksman/ADC (Attack Damage Carry) the core damage dealer in a team and the Support.
The primary role of the marksman is to kill the other team’s marksman, as well as their entire team. In order to do this, the marksman will need very high damage output including a high crit chance. The downside of the marksman is that they are often very squishy since they only build offensive items. This means if they get caught by the bruiser or jungler they will often die. In order to survive in lane and acquire enough gold to become powerful enough, they require support from another player on their team.

The support on your team will primarily be in the same lane as your marksman / ADC. Their role in the lane will be to help protect, sustain and support the ADC. This means sacrificing their life, hitpoints and gold to ensure the ADC stays alive as long as possible, and gets the most kills.
Most support champions will be fully equipped with crowd control effects such as stuns, slows, snares, silences and knock ups. All of these are to be used against the enemy to ensure your ADC can secure a kill.
Played support position in the team by providing vision (giving information about the opponents), manage the game rhythm in the team (playmaker), and healing.


/FTW/ (China)
Team Captain, Top-laner: Lu Feng (Close) ⇨ was a jungler, switched lanes with Wei Xiao
Jungler: Wei Xiao (Quiet) ⇨ was a top-laner, switched lanes with Lu Feng
Mid-laner: Ning Zhehan (Silvery)
Marksman: Yue Wenle (Le)
Support: Bai Cai (White)
Head coach: Chen Feng
Manager: Xiang Liu
Senior player, ex top-laner (retired): Tang Chen
/L&P/ (North America)
Team Captain, Top-laner: Yuan Ze (Marshal)
Jungler: Gary
Mid-laner: Vivi
Support: Mo
/TPT/ (China)
Team Captain, Mid-laner: Fu Li
Jungler: Wu Si
Marksman: Eurostar
/RR/ (China)
Team Captain, Jungler: Mo Hui (Money)
Top-laner: Xing Kai
Mid-laner: Moonlit
Support: Dog
/3U/ (China)
Team Captain, Jungler: Asleep
Vice-captain, Support: Cong Yi
Top-laner: Popsicle
Mid-laner: Li Chun
Marksman: Yoyo
/Pro/ (Korea)
Team Captain, Support: Li Heran
Vice-captain, Marksman: Kim Sunghyun
Jungler: Park Guizhi
Top-laner: UU
Mid-laner: Cui
/SK/ (Korea)
(played as doubles / 2v2)
/Other Clubs/
Black Knights
/FTW's ex team/ (2017)
Known as the Team of Gods, the strongest players and team in Glory circle history.
Team Captain, Support: Yan Jiang (transferred to Y1)
Jungler: Chen Feng (retired and become FTW's coach, replaced by Lu Feng)
Top-laner: Yuan Ze (transferred to L&P)
Mid-laner: Xie He (transferred to EVE)
Marksman: Kim Sunghyun (transferred to Pro)
Lu Feng was also the member of the Team of Gods, when he come to replace Chen Feng who was retired, the other members was still in FTW.

/Accompanying Player/
Rented player to accompany/guiding other player in the game, or to chat with them and help them increase their ranking.
BP was the abbreviation of Ban and Pick. The former meant to disallow a hero from the match, and the latter was where heroes were selected. As the name suggested, the BP stage was a stage where heroes were disabled and chosen.
In gaming, the c-position means ‘carry position’ which is the major damage dealing positions (mid-lane and bottom lane).
Someone who contributes the most to the match, or in this case, refers to someone who does so much of the work that they can bring a second person to win.
Double kill, triple kill, quadrakill, pentakill, legendary – two kills in a row, three kills in a row… etc. this usually only counts when the kills are within the same skirmish/battle. legendary is for players beyond five kills.
Pentakill was an achievement that could only be achieved by killing five people in a row in a single wave of group battles. It could be said to be the ultimate pursuit for all players in MOBA games.
Reference to being a master of strategy, master of numbers.
An appearance skin/modifier in the game that makes your character look different.
/Talents Tree/
You build your character in a certain direction based on talent points. In supremely simple terms, talents allow you to specialize your character, focusing on a certain type of play.
/Team Milk/
Group heal (multi-target heal).
/Wheel War/
The tactic of several persons taking turns in fighting one opponent to wear him down.